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    TR636E-10018 - COMPREHENSIVE TEST REPORT - Hirose Electric

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TR636E-10018 数据手册
TR636E-10018 COMPREHENSIVE TEST REPORT IT3 SERIES APPROVED CHECKED PREPARED TY.ARAI TM.MATSUO MN.NAGATA HIROSE ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. 1 TR636E-10018 [1] Objectives To perform Telc ordia GR1217 and EIA-TS100 0 Qualification tes ting on IT3 board-to-board Connec tors system Tes t Samples Soc ket : IT3M-300S-BGA(57) , IT3D-300S-BGA(57) Interposer : IT3-300P-17H(03) IT3D-300S-BGA(57) [2] IT3-300P-17H(03) IT3M-300S-BGA(57) [3] Tes t period: From: 2007- Dec -06 To: 2008- Feb- 06 [4] Sample ID# The test samples were c oded in the following manner: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 : 1-1 , 1-2 , 1-3 , 1-4 , 1-5 : 2-1 , 2-2 , 2-3 , 2-4 , 2-5 : 3-1 , 3-2 , 3-3 , 3-4 , 3-5 : 4-1 , 4-2 , 4-3 , 4-4 , 4-5 [5] Measurement point A C E G J L N R U W Signal (measurement point) , 2 Ground TR636E-10018 T EST PL AN FL OW DIAGRAM SAMPLE PREPARATION MATING/ UNMATING FORCE LLCR LLCR LLCR LLCR DURABILITY DURABILITY DURABILITY Temperature -LIFE LLCR LLCR LLCR LLCR THERMAL SHOCK Te mperature -LIFE Temperature -LIFE MATING/ UNMATING FORCE LLCR LLCR LLCR CYCLIC HUMIDITY VIBRATION Mixed Fl owi ng Gas unmated (7 days) LLCR LLCR LLCR Mi xed Flowing Gas mated (7 days) LLCR THERMAL DISTURBANCE LLCR RESEATING LLCR 3 TR636E-10018 D AT A SUM AR Y T EST GROUP 1 Mating Force Unmating Forc e LLCR Temperature Life LLCR Mating Force Unmating Forc e 135N Max . 15N Min. 50.0 m ohm Max No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. 135N Max . 15N Min. 116.7 N Max 91.9 N Min 29.6 m ohm Max Pass ed +3.7 m ohm Max. Chg. 85.8 N Max 42.3 N Min REQUIREMENT RESUL T GROUP 2 LLCR Durability LLCR Thermal Shoc k LLCR Cyclic Humidity LLCR Reseating LLCR 50.0 m ohm Max No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. 25.5 m ohm Max Pass ed +3.4 m ohm Max. Chg. Passed +2.1 m ohm Max. Chg. Passed +4.6 m ohm Max. Chg. Pass ed +9.0 m ohm Max. Chg. GROUP 3 LLCR Durability LLCR Temperature Life LLCR Random Vibration LLCR 50.0 m ohm Max No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. 34.8 m ohm Max Pass ed +16.9 m ohm Max . Chg. Pass ed +14.5 m ohm Max . Chg. Passed +18.2 m ohm Max . Chg. 4 TR636E-10018 DAT A SUMARY - c o n t i n u ed T EST GROUP 4 LLCR Durability LLCR Temperature Life LLCR Mixed Flowi ng Gas (7 days) REQUIREMENT RESUL T 50.0 m ohm Max No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. No Damage +20.0 m oh m Max . Chg. 28.0 m ohm Max Pass ed +5.4 m ohm Max. Chg. Pass ed +7.2 m ohm Max. Chg. Pass ed +18.8 m ohm Max . Chg. Pass ed +18.6 m ohm Max . Chg. Passed +18.1 m ohm Max . Chg. Pass ed +18.6 m ohm Max . Chg. LLCR Mixed Flowi ng Gas (7 days) LLCR Thermal Disturbance LLCR Reseating LLCR 5 TR636E-10018 Test Result Group 1 6 TR636E-10018 MATING AND UNMATING FORCE PURPOSE: To determine the mechanical forc es required to mate/unmate the c onnec tors . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The test was performed in accordance with Paragraph 6.1.4 of Spec ification GR1217-Core and EIS 364, Test Procedure 13. The test samples were fixtured to the base plate of the test stand and applic able force gauge. The fixturing was accomplis hed in a manner to prev ent “bowing” of the test s amples during the performance of the test. The fixturing was accomplished to assure axial alignment and allow s elf c entering mov ement to ex is t. The test rate was 1.0 inch/minute max imum. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - REQUIREMENT: 1. 2. The force required to mate the test s amples shall not exc eed 135 Newtons. The force required to unmate the tes t s amples s hall exceed 15 Newtons. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - RESULTS: 1. The following is a s ummary of the data observed : MATING FORCE Sa mple ID# 1– 1 1– 2 1– 3 1– 4 1– 5 ( Newton ) 108.3 91.0 104.3 107.3 116.7 UNMATING FORCE ( Newton ) 107.0 91.9 111.4 110.1 113.2 7 TR636E-10018 LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESITANCE (LLCR) PURPOSE: 1. To ev aluate contact resis tance charac teristics of the contac t systems under c onditions where applied voltages and currents do not alter the phys ic al c ontac t interface and will detec t oxides and films , which degrade electrical stability. It is also sens itive to and may detect the pres ence of fretting c orrosion induced by mec hanical or thermal env ironments as well as any significant loss of contact pressure. 2. This attribute was monitored after each prec onditioning and/or test exposure in order to determine said stability of the contac t systems as they progress through the applicable test s equenc es. 3. The elec tric al stability of the s ys tem is determined by c omparing the initial resistance value to that observ ed after a given test exposure. The difference is the c hange in resistance occurring whos e magnitude established the s tability of the interface being ev aluated. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test was performed in accordance with Paragraph 6.2.1 of Spec ification GR1217-CORE and EIA 364, Test Procedure 23 with the following conditions: Test Conditions: a) b) c) 3. 4. Tes t Current Open Circuit Voltage No. of Pos itions tested : 100 milliamps max imum : 20 milliv olts : 100 per sample The v oltage probes were plac ed on the common buss of the daughter c ard test board and the applicable PTH’s on the bac kplane. The points of application are shown in Figure #2. --------------------------------------------------------------REQUIREMENT: Low lev el circuit resistance shall not exceed 50.0 milliohms. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 8 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. The following is a s ummary of the data observed: LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Sa mple ID# 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 1–5 Av g. 19.8 19.4 20.7 19.8 20.0 Max. 28.6 22.7 29.6 23.8 27.8 Min. 17.5 17.1 18.4 17.8 17.8 9 TR636E-10018 10 TR636E-10018 TEMPERATURE LIFE PUROSE: To ev aluate the impac t on electrical s tability of the c ontact system when exposed to a thermal env ironment. Said env ironment may generate temperature dependent failure mec hanisms such as: a) b) c) Reduc ed normal (contact) force due to s tress relaxation as a result of a thermal env ironment. Dry ox idation of bas e metals and/or under plates , which hav e reached the c ontacting surfac es by impurity, diffusion or pore c orros ion. Dry ox idation and/or film formation of particulates which ma y hav e been deposited on the contacting surfac es from the surrounding atmosphere. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. The tes t was performed in accordance with Paragraph 6.3.2 of Specification GR-1217-CORE and EIA 364, Test Procedure 17, Tes t Condition 4. 2. Tes t Condition: a) b) c) d) 3. 4. Temperature Duration Mated Condition : : : 85°c + 2°C 500 Hours Mated Mounted Mounting Condition: Prior to performing v ariable measurements, the tes t s amples were allowed to recover to room ambient conditions. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures previously indicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. There shall be no evidence of phys ic al damage or deterioration of the test s amples s o exposed. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 millioh ms . The mating and unmating forces s hall not exceed 135 Newtons. The unmating forces shall exceed 15 Newtons . ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 1–1 1–2 1–3 1–4 1–5 Change +0.1 -1.2 -0.2 +0.3 +0.2 Max. Change +3.4 +1.8 +2.8 +3.3 +3.7 MATING FORCE Sa mple ID# 1– 1 1– 2 1– 3 1– 4 1– 5 ( Newton ) 72.9 85.8 75.3 83.5 81.5 UNMATING FORCE ( Newton ) 39.3 36.5 42.3 41.6 41.3 12 TR636E-10018 Test Result Group 2 13 TR636E-10018 LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (LLCR) PURPOSE: 1. To ev aluate c ontact res istanc e c haracteris tics of the contact systems under conditions where applied voltages and c urrents do not alter the physical contact interface and will detect oxides and films, which degrade elec tric al s tability. It is also sensitive to and may detect the presenc e of fretting corrosion induced by mechanical or thermal env ironments as well as any signific ant loss of c ontact pressure. 2. This attribute was monitored after eac h preconditioning and/or tes t ex pos ure in order to determine said s tability of the contact s ys tems as they progress through the applicable test sequences. 3. The electrical s tability of the system is determi ned by comparing the initial res istanc e v alue to that observed after a giv en test ex pos ure. The difference is the change in res is tance occ urring whose magnitude es tablis hes the s tability of the interface being evaluated. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The tes t was performed in accordance with EIA 364, Test Proc edure 23 with the following c onditions : Tes t Conditions: a) Test Current b) Open Circ uit Voltage : : 100 milliamps max imum 20 milliv olts 100 per tes t sample c) No. of Positions tes ted : 3. 4. The v oltage probes were placed on the c ommon buss of the daughter card tes t board and the applicable PTH’s on the bac kplane. The points of applic ation are s hown in Figure #2. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REQUIREMENT: Low lev el circuit resistance shall not exceed 50.0 milliohms. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 14 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. The following is a summary of the data obs erv ed: LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Sa mple ID# 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 2–5 Av g. 19.1 19.8 18.8 20.2 19.4 Max. 23.7 23.7 25.5 24.7 23.8 Min. 17.2 17.8 16.9 17.7 17.1 15 TR636E-10018 DURABILITY PURPOSE: 1. This is a preconditioning s equenc e, which is us ed to induce the type of wear on the c ontacting surfac es, whic h may oc cur under normal s erv ice conditions. The c onnec tors are mated and unmated a predetermined number of c yc les. Upon c ompletion, the units being ev aluated are ex pos ed to the environments as s pec ified to assess any impac t on electrical stability resulting from wear or other wear dependent phenomenon. 2. This type of preconditioning sequence is also used to mechanically stress the c onnec tor s ys tem as would normally occur in ac tual service. This s equence in c onjunction with other tests is used to determine if a significant loss of contact pressure occurs from s aid stresses , which in turn, may result in an uns table elec tric al condition to exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test was performed in accordance with EIA 364, Tes t Procedure 09. Test Conditions: a) 3. 4. No. of Cyc les : 25 The test was performed manually in accordance with ins truc tions prov ided by the test spons or. All subsequent v ariable testing was performed in acc ordanc e with the procedures previously indicated. - -------- ----------- -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- -- ------------------- -- -- ------- -- -- -- REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. There shall be no evidence of phys ic al damage to the test samples so tested. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 millioh ms . ---------------------------------------------------------------- 16 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted. The following is a s ummary of the data observed : CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 2–5 Change +0.1 -0.6 -0.1 -0.8 -0.4 Max. Change +2.5 +1.2 +3.4 +2.1 +1.2 17 TR636E-10018 THERMAL SHOCK PURPOSE: To determine the res istanc e of a giv en elec trical connector to exposure at ex tremes of high and low temperatures and the shock of alternate ex pos ure to thes e extremes , s imulating the wors t probable conditions of storage, transportation and application. -------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test env ironment was performed in accordanc e with EIA 364, Tes t Procedure 32, with the following conditions: Test Conditions: a) b) c) d) e) Number of Cyc les Hot Ex treme Cold Extreme Time at Temperature Mating Conditions : : : : : : : 10 Cyc les +85 -55 +3°C/ -0°C +0°C/ -3°C 30 Minutes Mated Mounted Ins tantaneous f) Mounting Conditions g) 3. 4. 5. Transfer Time The total number of cycles was performed continuously. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures as previous ly indic ated. Prior to performing v ariable measurements, the tes t s amples were allowed to recover to room ambient conditions. ---------------------------------------------------------------REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. There shall be no evidence of phys ic al damage to the test samples so tested. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 millioh ms . ---------------------------------------------------------------- 18 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted. The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 2–5 Change -0.1 -0.6 -0.3 -0.6 -0.1 Max. Change +1.5 +1.5 +2.1 +1.4 +2.0 19 TR636E-10018 HUMIDITY (THERMAL CYCLING) PURPOSE: To ev aluate the impac t on electrical s tability of the c ontact system when exposed to any env ironment which may generate thermal/moi sture type failure mechanis ms such as : a) Fretting corrosion due to wear resulting from micro motion, induced by thermal cycling. Humidity accelerates the oxidation process. b) Ox idation of wear debris or from partic ulates from the s urrounding atmos phere, which ma y hav e become entrapped between the contacting surfac es. c ) Failure mechanisms resulting from a wet ox idation process . ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test env ironment was performed in accordanc e with EIA 364, TS1000.01 and Test Proc edure 31 with the following c onditions : Test Conditions: a) b) c) d) e) f) 3, 4. 5. Relative Humidity Temperature Conditions Number of Cycles Mating Conditions Mounting Conditions Cyc le Duration : 80% @ 25°C, 50% @ 65°C : 25°C to 65°C : 24 : Mated : Mounted : 3 Hours Following the post cyclic humidity v ariable measurements, the samples were subjected to a 3-cycle res eat tes t. Prior to performing v ariable measurements, the tes t s amples were allowed to recover to room ambient conditions. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures previously indicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. There shall be no evidenc e of phys ic al deterioration of the test samples as tested. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 milliohms . ---------------------------------------------------------------- 20 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE After Cyclic Humidity Av g. Sa mple ID# 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 2–5 Change +0.9 -1.1 -0.7 -1.6 -0.9 Max. Change +4.6 +2.3 +1.2 +1.3 +0.9 After Res eating Av g. Change +0.4 -0.2 -0.1 +0.0 -0.1 Max. Change +2.9 +3.4 +2.5 +9.0 +2.8 21 TR636E-10018 Test Result Group 3 22 TR636E-10018 LOW LEVEL CURCUIT RESISTANCE (LLCR) PURPOSE: 1. To ev aluate contact resis tance charac teristics of the contac t systems under c onditions where applied voltages and currents do not alter the phys ic al c ontac t interface and will detec t oxides and films , which degrade electrical stability. It is also sens itive to and may detect the pres ence of fretting c orros ion induc ed by mec hanical or thermal env ironments as well as any significant loss of contact pressure. 2. This attribute was monitored after each prec onditioning and/or test exposure in order to determine said stability of the contac t systems as they progress through the applicable test s equenc es. 3. The elec tric al stability of the s ys tem is determined by c omparing the initial resistance value to that observ ed after a given test exposure. The difference is the c hange in resistance occurring whos e magnitude establishes the stability of the interface being ev aluated. - -------- ----------- -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- -- ------------------- -- -- ------- -- -- -- PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test was performed in accordance with EIA 364, Tes t Procedure 23 with the following conditions: Test Conditions: a) b) c) 3. 4. Test Current Open Circ uit Voltage No. of Positions Tested : : : 100 milliamps max imum 20 milliv olts 100 per tes t sample The v oltage probes were plac ed on the common buss of the daughter c ard test board and the applicable PTH’s on the bac kplane. The points of application are shown in Figure #2. ---------------------------------------------------------------REQUIREMENT: Low lev el circuit resistance shall not exceed 50.0 milliohms. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 23 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. The following is a s ummary of the data observed: LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Sa mple ID# 3–1 3–2 3–3 3–4 3–5 Av g. 21.9 22.2 21.7 21.4 20.9 Max. 32.0 34.8 32.9 26.8 27.5 Min. 19.1 19.1 18.6 18.8 18.4 24 TR636E-10018 DURABILITY PURPOSE: 1. This is a preconditioning s equenc e, which is us ed to induce the type of wear on the c ontacting surfac es, whic h may oc cur under normal s erv ice conditions. The c onnec tors are mated and unmated a predetermined number of c yc les. Upon c ompletion, the units being ev aluated are ex pos ed to the environments as s pec ified to assess any impac t on electrical stability resulting from wear or other wear dependent phenomenon. 2. This type of preconditioning sequence is also used to mechanically stress the c onnec tor s ys tem as would normally occur in ac tual service. This s equenc e in c onjunction with other tests is used to determine if a significant loss of contact pressure occurs from s aid stresses , which in turn, may result in an uns table elec tric al condition to exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test was performed in accordance with EIA 364, Tes t Procedure 09. Test Conditions: a) No. of Cyc les : 25 3. 4. The test was performed manually in accordance with ins truc tions prov ided by the test spons or. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures previously indicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. There shall be no evidence of phys ic al damage to the test samples so tested. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 millioh ms . ---------------------------------------------------------------- 25 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 3–1 3–2 3–3 3–4 3–5 Change +0.0 -1.0 -0.6 +0.3 +0.5 Max. Change +16.9 +14.1 +8.2 +7.4 +4.7 26 TR636E-10018 TEMPERATURE LIFE PURPOSE: To ev aluate the impac t on electrical s tability of the c ontact system when exposed to a thermal env ironment. Said env ironment may generate temperature dependent failure mec hanisms such as: a) Dry oxidation of the contacting surfac es when non-noble finish systems are utilized. b) c) Dry oxidation due to smearing of base metal and/or underplate on the contact surfaces or ex posure of s ame due to wear. Dry oxidation and/or film formation of partic ulates , which may hav e been depos ited on the contacting, surfaces from the surrounding atmos phere. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. The test samples were plac ed in the test chamber after it had reached equilibrium at the specified temperature level. The tes t exposure was performed in accordanc e with EIA 364, tes t Proc edure 17, with the following c onditions : 2. Test Condition: a) b) c) d) 3. 4. Temperature Duration Mated Condition Mounting Condition : : : : 115°C ± 2°C 24 Hours Mated Mounted Prior to performing v ariable measurements, the tes t s amples were allowed to recover to room ambient conditions. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures previously indicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 27 TR636E-10018 REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. There shall be no evidence of phys ic al damage to the test samples as tested. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 millioh ms . ---------------------------------------------------------------RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 3–1 3–2 3–3 3–4 3–5 Change +0.2 +0.6 +1.3 +1.7 +0.7 Max. Change +8.1 +9.7 +8.8 +14.5 +4.6 28 TR636E-10018 VIBRATION, RANDOM PURPOSE: 1. 2. 3. To determine if the contac t system is susceptible to fretting corrosion. To determine if the electrical stability of the system has degraded when exposed to a vibratory env ironment. To determine if elec trical discontinuities at the lev el specified ex is t. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test was performed in accordance with EIA 364, TS 1000.01 and EIA 364, Test Procedure 28, Test Condition VII, Letter D. Test Conditions: a) b) Power Spectral Density G ‘RMS’ : : : : 0.02 g² / Hz 3.13 20 to 500 Hz 15 mins per ax is (3 axis total) c ) Frequency d) 3. Duration Disc ontinuity monitoring was performed on the following 5 position s ets per s ample : A1, L15, A30 , W 30 , W1 4. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with proc edures previously indicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. 3. There shall be no evidence pf phys ic al damage to the test samples as tested. There shall be no c ontact interruption greater than 1.0 microsecond. The low lev el circuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 milliohms. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 29 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. 2. 3. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted There was no interruption greater than 1.0 mic ros econd. The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 3–1 3–2 3–3 3–4 3–5 Change +2.2 +0.5 +1.6 +1.7 +2.9 Max. Change +14.9 +8.6 +18.2 +14.0 +17.8 30 TR636E-10018 Test Result Group 4 31 TR636E-10018 LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (LLCR) PURPOSE: 1. To ev aluate contact resis tance charac teristics of the contac t systems under c onditions where applied voltages and currents do not alter the phys ic al c ontac t interface and will detec t oxides and films , which degrade electrical stability. It is also sens itive to and may detect the pres ence of fretting c orrosion induced by mec hanical or thermal env ironments as well as any significant loss of contact pressure. 2. This attribute was monitored after each prec onditioning and/or test exposure in order to determine said stability of the contac t systems as they progress through the applicable test s equenc es. 3. The elec tric al stability of the s ys tem is determined by c omparing the initial resistance value to that observ ed after a given test exposure. The difference is the c hange in resistance occurring whos e magnitude establishes the stability of the interface being ev aluated. --------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test was performed in accordance with EIA 364, Tes t Procedure 23 with the following conditions: Test Conditions: a) b) c) 3. 4. Test Current Open Circ uit Voltage No. of Positions Tested : : : 100 milliamps max imum 20 milliv olts 100 per tes t sample The v oltage probes were plac ed on the common buss of the daughter c ard test board and the applicable PTH’s on the bac kplane. The points of application are shown in Figure #2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - REQUIREMENT: Low lev el circuit resistance shall not exceed 50.0 milliohms. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 32 TR636E-10018 RESULTS: 1. The following is a s ummary of the data observed: LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Sa mple ID# 4–1 4–2 4–3 4–4 4–5 Av g. 20.8 20.5 20.6 21.5 21.3 Max. 24.1 24.0 23.5 28.0 27.6 Min. 18.8 18.4 18.4 18.5 18.7 33 TR636E-10018 DURABILITY PURPOSE: 1. This is a preconditioning s equenc e, which is us ed to induce the type of wear on the c ontacting surfac es, whic h may oc cur under normal s erv ice conditions. The c onnec tors are mated and unmated a predetermined number of c yc les. Upon c ompletion, the units being ev aluated are ex pos ed to the environments as s pec ified to assess any impac t on electrical stability resulting from wear or other wear dependent phenomenon. 2. This type of preconditioning sequence is also used to mechanically stress the c onnec tor s ys tem as would normally occur in ac tual service. This s equenc e in c onjunction with other tests is used to determine if a significant loss of contact pressure occurs from s aid stresses , which in turn, may result in an uns table elec tric al condition to exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test was performed in accordance with EIA 364, Tes t Procedure 09. Test Conditions: a) 3. 4. No. of Cyc les : 25 The test was performed manually in accordance with ins truc tions prov ided by the test spons or. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures previously indicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 34 TR636E-10018 REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. There shall be no evidence of phys ic al damage to the test samples so tested. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 millioh ms . ---------------------------------------------------------------RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 4–1 4–2 4–3 4–4 4–5 Change -0.2 -0.2 +0.4 -0.5 -0.7 Max. Change +1.6 +3.3 +3.2 +4.3 +5.4 35 TR636E-10018 TEMPERATURE LIFE PURPOSE: To ev aluate the impac t on electrical s tability of the c ontact system when exposed to a thermal env ironment. Said env ironment may generate temperature dependent failure mec hanisms such as: a) Dry oxidation of the contacting surfaces when non-noble finis h s ys tems are utilized. b) Dry oxidation due to s mearing of base metal and/or underplate on the contac t surfac es or exposure of same due to wear. c ) Dry oxidation and/or film formation of partic ulates which may hav e been depos ited on the contac ting s urfaces from the s urrounding atmos phere. ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. The test samples were plac ed in the test chamber after it had reached equilibrium at the specified temperature level. The tes t exposure was performed in acc ordanc e with EIA 364, Tes t Proc edure 17, with the following c onditions : 2. Test Conditions: a) b) c) d) 3. 4. Temperature Duration Mated Condition Mounted Condition : : : : 115°C ± 2°C 24 hours Mated Mounted Prior to performing v ariable measurements, the tes t s amples were allowed to recover to room ambient conditions. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures previously indicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 36 TR636E-10018 REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. There shall be no evidence of phys ic al damage to the test samples as tested. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 Milliohms . ---------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted The following is a s ummary of the data observed: CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Av g. Sa mple ID# 4–1 4–2 4–3 4–4 4–5 Change +0.2 +0.4 +0.7 +0.0 +0.2 Max. Change +3.0 +3.3 +7.2 +6.8 +6.5 37 TR636E-10018 MIXED FLOW ING GAS PURPOSE: 1. To determine the impac t on electrical stability of contact interfaces when the tes t s amples are exposed to a mix ed flowing gas env ironment. Said env ironment is based on field data s imulating typic al, severe, non-benign environments. Said exposure is indicative of expected behavior in the field. 2. Mix ed flowing gas tes ts (MFG) are env ironmental test proc edures whose primary purpose is to evaluate produc t performance under s imulated s torage or operating (field) conditions. For parts inv olving plated c ontact surfac es, such tes ts are also us ed to measure the effect of plating degradation (due to the env ironment) on the electric al and durability properties of c ontact or connec tor s ys tem. The s pec ific test conditions are usually chos en so as to s timulate, in the test laboratory, the effec ts of c ertain repres entative field environments or env ironmental sev erity lev els on standard metallic s urfaces . ---------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE: 1. 2. The test env ironment was performed in accordanc e with EIA 364, TS1000.01 and EIA 364, Test Procedure 65 with the following conditions. Env ironmental Conditions: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Temperature Relative Humidity C12 NO2 H2S SO2 Ex pos ure Time Mating Conditions : 30°C ± 1°C : 70% ± 2% : 10 ± 3 ppb : 200 ± 50 ppb : 10 ± 5 ppb : 100 ± 20 ppb : 20 Days Total : Day 1-10 All s amples exposed unmated : Day 11-20 All s amples exposed mated i) 3. 4. Mounting Conditions : Mounted The test chamber was allowed to stabilize at the specified conditions indicated. After s tabilization, the test s amples and control c oupons were placed in the c hamber such that they were no closer than 2.0” from each other and/or the c hamber walls. 38 TR636E-10018 PROCEDURE: - c ontinued 5. 6. 7. 8. The test samples were handled in a manner so as not to disturb the contact interface. After plac ement of the test samples in the chamber, it was allowed to re-stabilize and adjust as required to maintain the s pec ified concentrations and c onditions . The test chamber was monitored periodically during the ex posure period to ass ure the env ironmental conditions as s pecified were maintained. During the expos ure, resistanc e meas urements were taken at specific intervals and in the following sequence: a) b) Place the test s amples in the test chamber. At eac h designated measurement period, remov e the test units from the test c hamber. The tes t s amples were ex pos ed to room ambient for two hours prior to making measurements . c) d) Measure and rec ord low lev el c ircuit resistance meas urements. Upon c ompletion of the measurements , plac e the test units back into the test c hamber until the nex t meas urement interval or until completion of the tes t duration. 9. Testing was performed in the following s equenc e: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 10. MFG, LLCR MFG, LLCR Thermal Dis turbance LLCR Reseat, LLCR 3X (Unmate/Mate) (10 c yc les ) 7 Days (Mated) 7 Days (Unmated) Thermal Disturbance was performed in accordance with EIA 364, Test Procedure 32 and the following conditions: a) b) c) d) e) f) Number of Cycles Hot Extreme Cold Ex treme Ti me at temperature Ramp Time Hot to Cold Ramp Ti me Cold to Hot : : : : : : 10 Cycles +85 +3°C/-0°C +15 +0°c /-3°C 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 11. All s ubs equent variable testing was performed in accordance with the proc edures previously indicated. 39 TR636E-10018 ---------------------------------------------------------------REQUIREMENTS: 1. There shall be no evidence of damage or corros ion to the test samples as exposed which will cause mechanical or elec tric al malfunction of the s aid s amples. 2. The c hange in low level c ircuit resistance shall not exceed +20.0 millioh ms . ---------------------------------------------------------------RESULTS: 1. 2. There was no evidence of phys ical damage to the test samples as tes ted The following is a s ummary of the data observed : CHANGE IN LOW LEVEL CIRCUIT RESISTANCE (Milliohms ) Unmated 7 days Mated 7 days Av g. Sa mple ID# 4–1 4–2 4–3 4–4 4–5 Change +3.2 +5.5 +6.0 +4.7 +5.9 Max. Change +18.7 +17.7 +18.8 +16.4 +17.3 Av g. Change +6.4 +10.0 +11.1 +8.3 +6.4 Max. Change +17.4 +18.4 +18.6 +16.9 +17.2 After Thermal Disturbanc e Av g. Sa mple ID# 4–1 4–2 4–3 4–4 4–5 Change +7.7 +8.3 +6.2 +5.6 +3.9 Max. Change +18.5 +18.1 +17.2 +15.4 +16.3 After Res eating Av g. Change +10.2 +7.1 +11.6 +9.0 +8.2 Max. Change +18.3 +17.3 +18.6 +17.8 +18.0 40
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